Showing 1 - 25 of 56 Results
The catechist catechized, or, An examination of an Anabaptistical catechism pretended to be ... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781171249320 List Price: $17.75
An account of the spirits working upon the minds of men in the several ages of the Christian... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781171286110 List Price: $15.75
Mary the Mother of Christ in Prophecy and Its Fulfillment : Controversial letters in vindica... by Quigley, Richard F. D. 1918... ISBN: 9781177536943 List Price: $39.75
A briefe answer to R. H. his booke, entitled, The true guide, & ... / by R.B. ... and R.H. (... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240781133 List Price: $15.75
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and citizens of Londo... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240824557 List Price: $15.75
Mancuniensis; or, an history of the town of Manchester, and what is most memorable concernin... by Hollingworth, Richard, Will... ISBN: 9781240927203 List Price: $21.75
Christian principles no abettors of Popish practices, discovered in a sermon before the Lord... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240824595 List Price: $15.75
The Holy Ghost on the bench, other spirits at the bar: or The judgment of the Holy Spirit of... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781171254232 List Price: $20.75
A modest plea for the Church of England by Richard Hollingworth ... (1676) by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240861057 List Price: $23.75
Mancuniensis : Or A History of the Town of Manchester, and What Is Most Memorable Concerning... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781165554270 List Price: $28.76
An examination of sundry Scriptures alleadged by our brethren, in defence of some particular... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240824533 List Price: $15.75
The character of King Charles I from the declaration of Mr. Alexander Henderson ... upon his... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240824656 List Price: $16.75
Dr. Hollingworth's defence of K. Charles the First's holy and divine book, called Eikon basi... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240826070 List Price: $15.75
Mancuniensis: Or, an History of the Towne of Manchester by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9780559636820 List Price: $21.99
Mancuniensis: Or, an History of the Towne of Manchester by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9780559636790 List Price: $19.75
Mancuniensis by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781104244521 List Price: $20.95
Mancuniensis by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781104269661 List Price: $35.95
The Badge of Barlok by Richard Hollingworth ISBN: 9781906302009
A second defence of King Charles I by way of reply to an infamous libel called Ludlow's lett... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240802074 List Price: $17.75
A defence of King Charles I occasion'd by the lyes and scandals of many bad men of this age ... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240825868 List Price: $17.75
A sermon preached before the honourable judges of assize, at the cathedral in Lincoln, July ... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781240161416 List Price: $15.75
The Holy Ghost on the bench, other spirits at the bar: or The judgment of the Holy Spirit of... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781171334026 List Price: $21.75
Mancuniensis; by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781177331708 List Price: $20.75
Mancuniensis : Or A History of the Town of Manchester, and What Is Most Memorable Concerning... by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781165529131 List Price: $16.76
Mancuniensis; by Hollingworth, Richard ISBN: 9781290945370 List Price: $22.95
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